Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ironweed: A Butterfly Buffet

In August and September, it's easy to find the plant ironweed. Look for it in the places where tall weeds grow--meadows, along the road, anyplace that doesn't get mowed.

Ironweed has deep purple flowers that butterflies just love. Why do the butterflies love ironweed so much? It's all because of the nectar, the sweet liquid inside the flower. Butterflies and bees drink the nectar, and spread the pollen from flower to flower. This helps the ironweed to make more seeds.

If you are lucky enough to find some ironweed, watch it carefully. It's a great place to find butterflies of many different kinds.


  1. I love butterflies o my gosh!I expesially love purple ones!

  2. thnk u so mch 4 the info on how to see butterflies with iron weeds I think I'll use this info th catch some =)

  3. i loved your blog about the ironweed butterfly article
