Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mole crabs: Tiny creatures of the surf

Look carefully at this mole crab. Its head on the right side of the photo. Can you see its antennae peeking out?

Imagine living in a place where the salty ocean water crashes against you. Where every wave pounds against the sand, a place of noise and crashing water. To the tiny mole crab, this is home sweet home.

If you have ever visited a beach, you have probably seen one of these creatures. They are one of the few creatures to live in the area of the beach called the surf zone, where the water meets the sand. Like other crabs, mole crabs have ten legs. If you have ever held one, you probably know that they love to dig!

This digging is what helps them to survive in the surf zone. Mole crabs always dig backwards into the sand. As waves crash over them, they stick out their antennae. Bits of food are always churning about in the ocean water. These food bits stick to their antennae. Then the mole crabs can eat the food!

Digging also helps mole crabs to escape from predators. Sea gulls find them pretty tasty. Larger crabs, like ghost crabs, will also eat them. And people often collect mole crabs to use as bait for fishing.

But mole crabs are more than just prey. They are fascinating little creatures, tiny crabs that live in a harsh place. Mole crabs can be found in many different areas, and have many different names. In some places, they are called sand crabs. They are also called beach hoppers.

The next time you find one, observe it carefully. Can you find its antennae? How many legs does it have? Can you see it digging backwards? These little creatures have a lot to share!


  1. Besides the beach is there any other habitat for a mole crab?

  2. Do you know if there is Mole crab in Lake erie ...

  3. what kind of food do they eat?

  4. can they live in the grass or a normal backyard?

  5. this site is really fun,and eductaional!!!its so interesting to find information about mole crabs.

  6. How big are Mole Crabs?
    Are ther Males & Females?

  7. This site is really great fo kids to learn new things!!!!

  8. can they swim in the water?

  9. are mole crabs really crabs or just sea "creatures"

  10. How big can mole crabs get?

  11. do you do all of the research on the animals that are on this blog?

  12. Is there a certian place where they live???

  13. i like this site alot but the mayfly nymph scares me alittle.Is it on someones skin???

  14. Dear Emily Kissner,
    I think you picked a very interesting topic. I would love to learn more about mole crabs. See i love animals and i never heard of this perticuler animal so if you could post more infomation that would be great, so if you could do that it would be great. Thank you.

  15. How big are they and how big do they get?

  16. Do all mole crabs live on beachs

  17. do the mole crabs bite you and how long do they live?????:)

  18. how long do they live?

  19. mole crabs are cool

  20. Do mole crabs have teeth??

  21. How long do mole crabs live??

  22. it wos cool to read

  23. it is cool how they blend in with the sand

  24. I enjoyed learning about Mole Crabs in this blog

  25. I enjoyed learning about mole crabs it tells about alot of things about Mole Crabs

  26. Thanks for the comments! Mole crabs do not bite. They can be found on Atlantic and Pacific beaches. I'm not sure how long they live. That would be a great topic to research!

  27. i catch these when im with my cousin.when we go to the beach we catch them all the time.i learned more stuff about mole crabs than i already knew.thank you for teaching me more stuff about mole crabs.i will visit this website more often, and i will tell my freinds about this website.i will tell my family about this awesome website.Thanks again for teaching me more about mole crabs. (0_o)

  28. i learned some thing new was that mole crabs dont bite.i always catch mole crabs with my cousin when we go to the beach.thank you for teaching me some new stuff about mole crabs.

  29. Thanks for crearing this website! It is very informational and interesting! Mole crabs can dig backwardsand eat food bits that are in the ocean! Do the mole crabs eat some kind of plankton? Are mole crabs extinct? Thanks for reading my comment! Hope you can answer!!!!

  30. Dear Emily,
    Do you know how big a Mole Crab can get? I've been trying to figure it out from the picture but i just can't figure it out.Do you know if they can be found in Lake Erie? I don't think there is because what you put says that they are only be found on the Atlantic and Pacific Shores. Thank you for Reading!
    Yours Truly,
    Sixth Grade Student.

  31. Hi,
    I am a sixth grade student and I was wondring if there is any other food they eat? Do they eat planton is that the little bits of food? Have a nice day. From,
    sixth grade student

  32. Why are Mole crabs called Mole crabs? I have another qestion, can Mole crabs be different colors? And how long do live and what conteries do they live in?

  33. are there all kinds of mole craps or just one kind

  34. Theese little exotic crabs are really intresting, But do you know if they would be good as a Home "Pet"?

  35. Emily Kissner,
    where are Mole Crabs commenly found?
    Also thank you for writing that interesting
    blog about Mole Crabs in was very informing.
